this message may be offensive
Yo I’m liar-loser,
Things to know: I’m into vore, giant/tiny, soft or hard doesn’t matter, I can’t spell good so no fucking hate, I’m into YouTube it’s cool
I take requests for stuff but not all the time
Gender: I’m female but get mistaken for a male lol
Pronouns : they/them she/her
Youtubers I love : jacksepticeye, markiplier, and, pewdiepie
I roleplay youtubers only.
Hate: rude people, sssniperwolf, sex , lemon,smut
Best dude to love @dippingsuace
I know the egos.
No fucking lemon people on this page please thank you.
Follow: bookreader2120, DianaFrostYT, septicegofanamy, dippingsuace, ghostliz, KitsuneJinx, Trickymaiwood,Bloopboop5, Gracie_is_everything, Ericderekson,Sociopathic_bitch
And more lol
Rules: no smut request, no haters, no lemons.
Follow @liar-loser If you wanna read the books, and rp book.