

You are so sweet!! Thank you so so much ❤️❤️❤️❤️



You are so sweet!! Thank you so so much ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Hey! Sorry for barging in on your wall like this but I saw your library and thought you might be interested in my work. It's a completed dark romance, with all chapters edited (so if you see any errors, please point them out) called The Cunning, here's a quick synopsis: 
          She's as clever as the Devil and twice as pretty.
          Madison has a secret, and she wants to keep it that way. Her days are short and simple, she works her shifts at the 24-hour convenience store and goes home to feed her neighbours cat. It's peaceful, quiet.
          No one is any the wiser about who she is and what she's capable of. 
          Because if they did, Jase would never have accepted the money to take her. He wouldn't have instructed his boys to follow her home and stake out her house. They wouldn't have tied her wrists and told her to accept her fate.  
          Because if they knew who she was, they would know it meant sealing theirs. 
          When the request for Madison was made, Jase assumed it would be like taking candy from a baby. Instead, he learned the hard way that holding her captive was the worst mistake he could make.
          Madison has fewer tears to cry than most and she doesn't suffer fools gladly, so when the panic stops, the game begins. Being raised by a morally grey man has taught her a thing or two about morally grey men. 
          Jase has a secret and he wants to keep it that way- he let Madison go once before. And she won't let him forget it.

          If it sounds like it's something you'd enjoy, please check it out and thanks for reading my message, have a good day :)


@licel1985 thank you! I hope you like it :)


Thanks will check it out





@_ntsha ❤️❤️❤️


@licel1985 oh my gosh I’m about to cry in the middle of ihop rn I love that thank you so much you are too kind I’m literally tearing up 
            So, (and sorry if I’m annoying you) I’m kinda a movie buff and I go into writing my stories as I see them play in my head which they play in my head as movies like , and I hope this doesn’t sound crazy, but I act out the lines in the book and movements more than half of the ideas in the book come to me in my sleep (I dream A LOT and super vividly) or while I’m at work daydreaming etc 
            This really means so much to me, appreciate you!


@_ntsha this is so amazing it’s like watching a tv series but instead reading it. Each character is so deep and each has a secrets of their own. Love the story line and how it’s written  congrats for an amazing book. It’s hard to find good books and I’m so happy found yours.


Hello love, thank you so much for following me! ♡ 
          ♡—My Personal Accounts—♡
          Main | @-MissElle
          Spanish | @princessellie-xx
          Back up | @-BackupforMiss 
          Feel free to follow any of my accounts any time you would like. You’re also very welcome to read, vote and comment if you please. I post on the daily so don’t be shy to comment! 
          Well putting all that aside, I would like to ask you a few questions which of course you do not have to answer, but I ask because believe it or not, I care!
          ♡ | How are you? 
          ♡ | How has your day or your night been? 
          ♡ | Did you take care of yourself today? 
          If the answer to those questions is positive then I am glad for you and I hope that you continue to have great days. If the answers are negative then let me remind you that not every day can be a good one. Not every day can fill us with good feelings and that is okay. You will be okay if not today maybe tomorrow because every day is a new day. Take life one step at a time, you do not need to rush and most importantly no one should be rushing you. I wish you nothing, but the absolute best for you. I hope all your goals and dreams come true. Patience and dedication will get you to where you want and need to be even if it seems impossible in the moment. Never for a second stop believing in the infinite potential that you possess. It takes a lot to get where you are and guess who did all of that. You, you did that and you will continue to do what you do best, be yourself. I hope that my words brought you some type of comfort.
          Please take care, love and know I am here for you if you ever need me! ♡