HeyGuys sorry for the lack of updates I KIND OF was in China and before the trip I was super busy with packing and stuff to focus on writing so that just kind of ended up being last priority but I apologize for that :( but some good news, I'll be updating soon with a new chapter ANNNNNND a fluff chapter like I promised. The fluff chapter has no plot advancement though, so if you don't care for that kind of stuff you can skip if you want. But the chapter will still be numbered, it won't be like a special title or anything. ALSO I HAVE MADE A DIRECTION FOR THIS BOOK TO GO IN DON'T YOU WORRY I HAVE IT ALL PLANNED OUT EVERY SINGLE THING i hope you all like the direction i'm gonna be taking for this fic and I really appreciate all the support and suggestions for it <3
again thank you guys
you guys are the best
i would like to formally thank @BetterThanBjerg for makin AMAZIN fanart THANK YOU SO MUCH