


!Another Rant!
          So in just a week there will be a christmas break but classes will be back at Jan 3..upsetting, isn't it? Worst is that, my school promised at the very start that they won't pressure us with a lot of assignments. Yet they gave over 10 assignments just for one week when they said they'll give it in a slow consistent pace. And we always have a week online and a week offline but next week(offline week) was turned into an online week. I just feel very pressured at this moment and I really want to contact depED about the break problem..


Another rant post!
          So there something in my school called acquaintance party. Every year they do that. In that ecen we have BoB or battle of the bands, Acapella contest, popularity contest and poster contest. And for some reason I got scolded for choosing not of join any. Like, they know I have social anxiety yet they(my fam) expected me to join the contests. 


Continuation of the rant post.
          For the past few weeks, he's been telling me I lack emotions with playing the piano. My point is, how could I play with emotions when my emotions are often pushed away and ignored. And last night, they called me a cry babay because I was feeling bad for a character when every f-ing day I had forced my tears away because of you(my parents).
          I'm sorry for ranting, just wanted it off my chest. 


@Amiko_Lee that's impossible at this point. It's already 2nd grading and it's already decided that I should be a piano major. All I could do is just live life and see how it'll go


I'm sorry to hear this,it's horrible that you're being forced to do something against your will:( I personally think you should try telling your parents about this and maybe show that you don't like it,suggest doing something you like instead?


!Rant post! 
          As anyone who had read my post know that learning the piano wasn't my choice.
          My father worked at home for two months because he didn't want to leave me and my dis home alone.(we used to have a helper but she resigned to settle in with her bf.) I was against the idea because that would mean I wouldn't have any freedom whatsoever. Soon he'll be forced to go to his office because his asking for work home is now being questioned. I'm happy ofc since that meant I would have one eye off my back and I could have better space and I could do what I need to do a lot of more easier.