
Oh my gosh please someone in this world give me more time in my life, more hours in a day so I can write! Maybe you say you're no true passionate writer if you don't MAKE time to write, if you let other things stand in your way, but oh men, I wish I could and I am dying to write but life has never been this busy before.


Oh my gosh please someone in this world give me more time in my life, more hours in a day so I can write! Maybe you say you're no true passionate writer if you don't MAKE time to write, if you let other things stand in your way, but oh men, I wish I could and I am dying to write but life has never been this busy before.


Hannah!! You're back! :D


Hahaha oké, ik snap het :) 


ik zag het van Elsa op Zweinstein ja! super leuk. ik wil echt heel graag alles lezen maar ik ben zeg maar the busiest person on earth dus het duurt allemaal even. 
            en.. daar ga ik aan werken-- hehe *runs away*


Have you seen my LotR-chatroom updates? :) En ik heb deel twee van Elsa op Zweinstein gepubliceerd, hihi. Die ik deze week nog wel moet updaten...
            How's it going with The Missing Pages? ^-^


You're at the Snuggley Duckling I wanna go to!!!


Really okay I'll be there…once my mom and dad say that it's okay to go!!!!


@GenPoo_KingOfWriters , you can come. there are really nice people here. 


When you do five Sorting Hat quizzes (not that I need them, of course. I had mine when I went to Hogwarts, I just wanted to see if the Internet would agree or disagree with the great ability of the Sorting Hat himself) and you're sorted into Gryffindor four times, it all seems very certain. Oh, and don't you worry, dear people; I wasn't sorted in Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw the other time.