
Hey everyone, I know I haven’t been active for the longest time but I’ve started writing again and I shut have a one shot out by next Friday, April 20th. Sorry for being gone for a while and I hope I can be back for good this time!
          	Aka Life In The Cosmos


Hey everyone, I know I haven’t been active for the longest time but I’ve started writing again and I shut have a one shot out by next Friday, April 20th. Sorry for being gone for a while and I hope I can be back for good this time!
          Aka Life In The Cosmos


Thank you so much for the follow! It really means a lot to me and if i can help/repay you in any way, just let me know!


@nana_moo that's what I do and i always feel a lot better that they have one more person following them... :) (I'm really cheesy)


You don't need to repay me! I always think it's the kindest thing when people follow you back after you follow them. So I guess what you could do is just keep following people if they follow you! Pay it forward! 


Hey everyone! The first chapter of the second book in my series about the Malfoys is out! I kindly remind you that these books skip the even years at Hogwarts they only cover the odd numbered years! Please read, like, and comment ideas about what you think should happen! 
          With happiness,
          ~ Nightmare in a dream