
So it would appear that everyone is doing the writing letters thing. Should I do something like that? It would be different- based off of poems- but idk wdyt?


Hi! How are you? I've read your bio and that's so weird we are like the same person. Kidding I'm being really randomly weird right now and I apologize but I think it's really cool, that we have a lot of the same interests. I'm an online friend of @weirdxcrazy and I saw on her book Seeing Sage (im re-reading it since it is so good) and it said to follow you. So here I am! Haha so sorry for my upfront-ness but hi!


@CandyConsumer thats so cool! Ill check out your account


Hi, everyone... deja vu...
          Just wanted to give a shoutout to xAwkwardWriterx because she's cool, funny, amazing, and a great writer... and she made me a new book cover!!! Check her out! Except since my followers are mostly people from my school, you know her. Go vote for her then!


Hi, everyone. (which is like ten people but lol whatever... ) just wanted to say that I'm almost to the end of Scars and Secrets... *tear* i will be starting a new book soon. also I'm going to update one of my stories every week
          ill be a better updater from now on also i really really need feed back so...


hey guys- 
          some people are wondering if, in Scars and Secrets, the story is related to my life. and, if so, who each character is.
          The plot isn't my life at all, but some of the people are my friends/ acquaintances.
          Rivka: i created her. but shes like me in some ways (basketball and chorus) except i like yellow
          Aria: can't tell
          Melanie: also can't tell
          They're both awesome friends doe and i love them sooo much. i just think their characters are a little, well, different from them in ways and so i dont know if they'd be comfortable with me telling you all who they were.
          Gusty: i created him
          Josef: my friend Ethan
          Doug: my friend Ahbin
          Lee: my friend Eric
          Rivka's parents: they have the same jobs as mine but nothing else. so i made them up
          The teachers are all of my teachers. including Rivka's schedule.
          Gail: She just represents all of the haters in any girl/boy's life. 
          So a mutually hated person.
          Patricia: I made her up. Any resemblance to actual people (like her peanut allergy) is accidental; i just added her in as a detail to relate to Rivka's eating disorder.
          Adina: can't tell
          Andrew: made him up
          thats all for now. thanks for reading!