Hellooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, well you are obiviously interested in me! So I would tell you everything about me, but really? This is the internet and well you know, you might be a petafile wanting to rape me. I believe you wouldn't do anything like that. I like to read, alot! My mum; when I am bored; insists I read as, as soon as I've got a good book, I am addicted. I can't stop. Hopefully you have written that perfect book, that makes me laugh, cry and never stop reading, even when I am not in the mood for reading. I love to write too! I am not an amazing writer but I try, so you might see something up here. I write when I have a story, I am better though at making up stories then putting them on paper. Making up stories is my way of getting to sleep at night. Anyway, write me amazing stories to read, and I will try and write something back!
  • JoinedJuly 14, 2012

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