
I’m back :)
          	I’m so sorry for ghosting you all and leaving you all on a cliff hanger. I will try my best to update soon. 


@lifeinkalopsia welcome back! I love both your books and I'm looking forward to updates!


Well I do not know how to start. In my life I had lost the love to read books because of depression. Recently I tried to check some stories in this app but nothing has captivaded more than your books. I feel conected to your writting, the way you describe everything just keeps me more and more attached to the story. 
          I do not know if some day you are going to come back but let me express my gratitude for your time, effort and love that you put in this masterpiece. 
          I still struggle with mental health, so I wish you the best and I send my love wherever you are.
          Ps: english is not my native language, sorry for the mistakes is this message. 


I’m back :)
          I’m so sorry for ghosting you all and leaving you all on a cliff hanger. I will try my best to update soon. 


@lifeinkalopsia welcome back! I love both your books and I'm looking forward to updates!


I keep checking and hoping for an update. But after over a year of nothing. I’ve come to terms the story has been discontinued and author won’t be returning. I hope you know your story is loved by many. 
          I hope you’re alive and well. 
          Good bye story 


hiii i hope u are doing well!! i just wanted to come one here and say that your stories are written so well! aftermath especially is written so well to the point where i think it can be published!! there is no rush cuz i know everyone has their own life to go about but when you do have the time, could you please consider continuing aftermath? it’s been a while but i really do hope that you could possibly continue the book? no rush ofc do it when u want to:)
          again thank you for giving us such amazing books<33


Hello, this is Kirby, aka lifeinkalopsia. 
          I know I haven’t updated in quite some time. I’ve been very busy. I lost my job in December and I had to drop out of school for a semester to work full time because it took me a while to find a new job and I could not afford it. So I’ve been working very hard and working on getting back on my feet. I also struggle to sit down and write these days because I don’t want anyone to be disappointed in my writing. The success of Hellfire was honestly something I never anticipated. I’ve loved writing since I was little, and I always wanted to be an author or something along those lines. I never could have imagined that my little self insert fic (because Lux is based off of me) would get so far. 
          I read all of your comments and messages, and I wish I could respond to them all. But I just wanted to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart. I will be back soon to finish up Aftermath. 
          I’m also at a very weird point right now with AoT. I’ve been in the aot fandom since I was 13 years old, and now it’s over. We still have the last half of season four, but now that we know how the story is officially ending I have mixed feelings. Not to be dramatic or anything but it kind of feels like my childhood has come to a close. Which isn’t far from the truth. I have one year of University left. Wow. 
          I hope everyone is staying healthy and safe!!


@lifeinkalopsia Hey there! 
            I've only recently got to know your work here in wattpad and I've fallen completely in love with it! I'm still finishing Hellfire and absolutely loving it (I'll probably get to the end today). The characters from the show are very well portrayed, the new characters are amazing and don't get me started with Lux, I love her! Her role in her own story and her relationship with Levi are fantastic! You're an amazing author! (Also, I love to see some moments of peace for Levi <3)
            Although I already crave for more of your writing, take your time with writing. We have a life out of our stories and need to set our priorities right. You seem to be a very hardworking and strong person, so I hope your writing time can be a moment of pleasure! Don't worry too much about disappointing us readers, but do it for your characters and for yourself! Write something you are happy about ^-^ 
            About AOT, I'm actually pretty recent to the fandom lol, I've only started watching it when this last season (or the first part of it) started, so I get the feeling, just not with AOT specifically hehe Also, putting it together with the near end of your university, I can really see where this feeling is coming from. It's a weird moment in our lives and I've only recently been through that (probably not over it yet lol) 
            I'm sorry for rambling over and over even though I barely know you hahaha But I really like your writing and you seem like a very nice person! So if you ever need someone to talk to or anything, I'm here ^-^ 
            Thank you for your books and take care! ❤️