
Never take time for granted, it passes quicker than you may think. 


The ballad of songbirds and snakes movie was kinda disappointing. They really dropped the ball on some things. Including not putting in Lucy Gray’s quote of her saying “the shows not over until the mockingjay sings.”  It had so much potential 


@lifeisconfusinggg mmmm got it. I still want to see it for sure!


@lifeisconfusinggg I really liked it. I think there's a lot that's missing that would've been so good and would've had such an impact. Like the pompous funerals and Clemensia. But I think to fit everything in they would've needed two movies, but idk if it has enough action or interest to really make two movies feasible. The book was just soooo good because you do get that internal monologue, so you understand exactly what's happening in his mind and how he manipulates those around him. Like you might think Snow actually likes Sejanus, and you don't see all of the horrible things he's actually thinking about him, and how he's just using him.
            Also they missed a lot of what Tigris does to keep them alive which is kind of a shame, because it contrasts so much with what happens to victors later.
            I think as a book reader it's more enjoyable, you'd miss a lot of the nuances without having read it first. Snow goes digging for worms once and basically loses his mind, and you really get to see his spiral in the book!
            Overall though I really enjoyed it! It's just such a shame whenever I click on TikTok there's so many clips of people who filmed it in the cinemas and it's only been out for one day. Like come onnnn


@lifeisconfusinggg oh dont worry! I figured that you meant you were disappointed about it not reaching its full potential in certain bits but still enjoyed it. I think I'll probably be the same, I'm very excited for it tho, and my friend I'm going with also hasn't read the prequel so I'm excited to see what she thinks about it too. either way it will be fun :)


Change’s just reached 200 reads? When I published the first chapter I thought I would only get around 30. I’m beyond thankful for all of you 



I will definitely read it!! 


Having to take the SATs on your birthday has to be one of the worst things a school can do to you 


@lifeisconfusinggg Hey! It will be alright  I totally understand you


@siriuslyyy__stupid like yesterday I was literally so sick with a stomach bug and then today your gonna make me do the SATs at 8 o’clock in the morning when it’s also my birthday? I hated every minute of it 


@lifeisconfusinggg Yep, I can high school finals started on my birthday.........IT'S JUST NOT FAIR