
Hey, everyone!
          	As you all can see there are two stories hanging in between, and just so you know..I am not going to abandon these still a student (don't be shocked) so i have to catch up with my boards/final examinations. Starting from tomorrow (14 feb) and it will last for 2 months straight....No, am not saying that I will not update for 2 months, I WILL UPDATE but after this month....
          	And I'm sorry again if am making you wait too much..


Hey, everyone!
          As you all can see there are two stories hanging in between, and just so you know..I am not going to abandon these still a student (don't be shocked) so i have to catch up with my boards/final examinations. Starting from tomorrow (14 feb) and it will last for 2 months straight....No, am not saying that I will not update for 2 months, I WILL UPDATE but after this month....
          And I'm sorry again if am making you wait too much..