Hey my long lost sibling. Sorry for my incredibly long absence from Wattpad :C. HRUUUUUU

@lifeisready I survive by coming up with new ideas buuut they never make it on to paper or onto my screen. Keeping your drafts backed up is a good idea tho, you can never be too sure. considering that i'm replying 6 days later, how are you now lol?

@TurtleShmurtleT Whattttt?! That's heart wrenching! Kidney breaking! Lung cracking! Liver shattering! How are you surviving this?!?! I mean ofc it's because you have forgotten its contents but dayum... It's so sad to lose a piece of your self created work... You are giving me a complex. Here I go, copy pasting all my lists of books lol

Nope, no novels. OMG u don't know what happened like I had these drafts for a book I was writing and I was messing around and it got deleted. Along with the very pretty cover I had made. Tbh I don't even remember what it was about but the pain is still there lol XD.