
Damnit Listen this may sound weird but, I'm Sebastian. Aka Ukatin. If your wondering what happened with me leaving the Discord, my Wattpad being deleted, and other stuff I'll explain. First the Discord was because I had to delete it because my mother had wanted to look at my computer and same with the wattpad. Your probably wondering what about the phone well........... I didn't have you marked so I thought you were spam mail. So sorry man. If your also wondering why I didn't do it sooner. It's because my computer was in the shop fixing the big ass crack on the top left of my screen. I told you about it when we first met. I know this is hard to take in but, I missed you guys. I missed my real family. Invite me back please. I miss you, Gracie, and my girlfriend.


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@OrangeGuyPurpley dude i have so much shit to tell you...... I will get the invite now...... Sorry i didint get it sooner i was asleep...... Thinking