I hate it—i so much hate it. U'll be stressed knowing how much I hate it. Why ? Like why the hell authors? I want to know why u do this everytime??Almost every author?? Can't u let jungkook a good supporting character in your vmin books ? Every time he is villian or a 3rd leg, smte simply a d*ck. I really hate story like this. I literally stopped reading vmin stories bcs of this reason after long time when I decided to read again it has to happen again. Every character was introduced and it was stressing me out what will kookie' chrctr be like ? And baam!!... he was introduced as a d*ck boss who sexually abuse Jimin—here I introduce u the villian of every vmin story. Ugh!!!! I'm done!!!!
Ps : if u guys know any book where I can ignore this pls recommend.