Some people, are born to loose,
I think.
And it’s not that they’re weak,
or a failure,
I think it’s simply that they
were born to be pushed back
to the ground time and time
They were destined to have
everything taken from them,
destined to be broken down
over and over until they are
nothing more than dust.
But these people, I think,
are the strongest people of all.
Because the people born to
They learn to pick themselves
up off the ground every time
they are forced down.
And trust me, losing is
difficult and heart- breaking
and it sucks,
but I think, it’s worth it in the
Because in the end, the people
Who were born to lose,
die with the strength and
bravery and, in their own
special way, the greatest
victories of all. “If you were destined for dust,
the love is worth the loss”