Hey guys, how are you all , hope you're all doing good . Don't worry about me your author is fine and focusing on my studies . Since my board exams are going on I couldn't update any chapter . I have written atleast four or five chapters I will surely post them after my exams . Guess what this is only the start of writing journey. You will fall down and hit so hard that you will be wounded but at the same time the feeling of winning at the end is something different. Losing is okay but the spirit of not giving up everytime is whole different . Let's not give up even if I have few viewers . I know I will WIN at the end . You need to try harder . Smart work is not bad but true proudness comes when after days and days of hardworking you reached your goal . You had secured your place . Being on hiatus doesn't mean I'm backing off it means I'm preparing myself to comeback stronger than before . And one of my biggest dream is to be a best writer of ever . To become famous , not for beauty , modelling , but by writing and expressing the feelings , the stories . And when I'm in my 20s I promise to bring out more surprises for my readers . Hope my journey never co.es to an end .
~Thank You