Hello again,
So, now that "Pirsuit of Genesis", named as 'William, Mary, Devils and the Genesis', is finally completed.
William Von [the prequel], which has less revelance to the main book, will go through some edits (to convert it from a screenplay script to an actual novella)
So, some chapters might be added and things might be changed. So, if you're interested in that then... Sure.
I had this whole novel planned which revolves around George Watson (narrator of 'Pirsuit of Genesis') and his whole past before Lydia and before William. (Not part of 'New Genesis')
But I don't know if readers want to read his part of story... So... Well... still thinking...
Anyways, thank you for all the support so far. This whole year (my first year as writer) was amazing and I honestly enjoyed it. Thank you all!