
My thoughts are with those affected by the explosion in Manchester. I think it's heartbreaking that, when you see your idol in concert, it's supposed to be a sanctuary, it's supposed to be a safe place where you can be with like minded people and let go of your inhibitions and have fun and now that protective bubble, that sanctuary has seemingly been shattered. I can't even comprehend and I hope you're all safe and well.


My thoughts are with those affected by the explosion in Manchester. I think it's heartbreaking that, when you see your idol in concert, it's supposed to be a sanctuary, it's supposed to be a safe place where you can be with like minded people and let go of your inhibitions and have fun and now that protective bubble, that sanctuary has seemingly been shattered. I can't even comprehend and I hope you're all safe and well.


I just wrote the new chapter of 'Gone.' and I'm pretty happy with it! Fair warning, it's full of angst. After this one there's only one more chapter most likelt and I may write a separate author's note because I have a lot to thank you guys for. Thank you all for sticking with me xxx


Okay guys, I know I normally update 'Gone.' On Sundays and it is currently Friday, but given that tomorrow is Christmas eve and Sunday is Christmas day and I don't wanna interrupt anything you may be doing... Do you guys want the update today?


Hey guys! Don't worry, the new update of 'Gone.' is on its way for sunday but I'm just letting you know that I now have a tumblr for this account!
          If you want to follow me/ ask me questions/ talk to me then you can follow: lightsflashwattpad
          See you there :) 


Pleased to announce that I am in the planning stages of my next fic. It's another Kaylor AU but it couldn't be more different... Updates for it will be slower than Circumstance because I'm back to school soon but I am excited to write it! Expect the first chapter by next weekish...