Hola puedes actolisar polos opuestos por favor

@ TinaCruz712206 claro perp tardará, no va aquedar tan muertos como mis otras historias
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Aver no se quien lea pero con cual historia comienzo para continuar ya que no se con cual de todos :""D hep
Hola puedes actolisar polos opuestos por favor
@ TinaCruz712206 claro perp tardará, no va aquedar tan muertos como mis otras historias
Oye crea una historia tipo Deadpool y Wolwerine pero con los personajes principales de Helluva boss y Hazbin hotel los cuales serían (Blitzø y Charlie) y me gustaría ver variantes de éstos dos y dé sus amigos y enemigos
@ JuanFelipeBautistaJa no importa si utilizo fuentes de cómics es que la película no la evisto
Hola bonita^^ una pregunta, vas a actualizar polos opuestos? Realmente me gusta el ship y tu historia es la única que e encontrado de ellos :( que pases buen día :3
@ lightthedark227 Hayyy tranquila entiendo comletanente ^^:) bonita noche :3
@ little_mis_perfect claro siento si no actualizo casi nada solo que como trabajo y hago otras cosas no tengo tanto tiempo como antes
Disculpa conoses un fanfic que se llamaba juegos terrenales era de alastor
@ likenrof la verdad no recuerdo a verla leído pero creo que sería bastante entretenido de ver
Hello Author-chan Can you do me a favor? If you don't mind ok Hazbin Hotel x Human female reader A girl lives an ordinary life, but not very ordinary. She lost her father in mysterious circumstances when she was a child, and her mother left her when her father died, leaving our heroine to live with her grandmother In addition, she was distinguished by unparalleled beauty. She was very beautiful, like angels and God, or even more beautiful than them She is an icon of beauty, the title of beauty, femininity and seduction. She was very feminine, pure, honest and very ideal. You have surpassed all standards of beauty. It was an ethereal beauty, a perfect angelic beauty, as if she was a gift from God or a saint. She was very kind, humble, very shy, very feminine, and had a tender heart and sensitive feelings. She cries very quickly The most trivial reasons. She is very short, yet her body is perfect and sexy She is very childish, reckless, and brave despite her fear She is afraid of darkness and high places She always has candy in her pocket to eat and give to people she knows, even if they are mean to her She is very innocent too. One day on vacation while she was in the library. You hear noise coming from the back of the library. She decides to find out the source of the sound, and is surprised by the presence of a dark, black book with warnings written on it. She ignores the warning, opens the book, and surprise..... boom...!!I woke up in a different place. Red sky and a pentagram!! I'm in hell!! unbelievable You get up in a panic and wander the streets of Hell without thinking for a while She was crying so sweetly that it made everyone's demon hearts flutter The demons did not see girls and boys looking at her with eyes of hearts and shy chaos because of her beauty and kindness Then she meets the Princess of Hell by chance while she was walking and bumps into her
@ user17792597 I'm sorry I haven't read your message before, but I'll try to fulfill the idea you've given me for a story. I'm sorry if something is not written well, English is not my thing.
Then she meets the Princess of Hell!! After Charlie heard our heroine’s story, she decided to help her return (she did not want her to return, nor did anyone else), and in return, our heroine helped Charlie at the hotel. What will our sweet heroine do after the Yandere female and male characters become obsessed with her and also sanctify her from the first sight and want her to stay?Even the King and Queen of Hell fell in love with her obsessively like the rest!! Information ~: . She is very innocent and thinks that stupid is a bad word She was afraid of Lucifer the first time they met She thinks Valentino is a butterfly Everyone melts from her beauty and innocence in hell She gave the snake demon candy as a peace truce (his heart fluttered when she did that) The Devils of Hell have designed a fan club for the reader All the demons of hell could kill for it If you don't mind Have a good day Eat well and sleep well
Holaa, cuando será la próxima actualización de la historia con Bill, Will y Phill?
@ NyokoTokito perdón si contesto hasta este momento mi tiempo no es el suficiente como para mantener una actualización constante y asegurada de esa historia pero talvez pronto tenga actualización, si es que el trabajo me deja
Aver no se quien lea pero con cual historia comienzo para continuar ya que no se con cual de todos :""D hep
Enserio cuando deje este perfil no era para solo abandonarlo, ahora solo quiero tratar de volver a la vida este perfil, todo este tiempo estuve sin publicar nada por cosas personales y que realmente me hicieron dudar muchas cosas sobre mi y como ser humano, créanlo o no estado tratando se superar muchas cosas ahora solo quiero retomar lo que más me gustaba y publicar como era antes me siento algo mal por supuesto pues esto también me hace sentir mal pero si no superó mis obstáculos no podré avanzar como persona, no quiero abandonar nada esto ya que era algo que me divertía bastante haciendo. Espero pronto volver a subir y publicar nuevos capítulos y historias que se quedaron en borradores espero continuar como antes hasta luego y un buen día a todos
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Compre una baraja de poker para jugar, le pregunte a todos si querían hacer una partida de cartas, estos se quedaron callados diciendo que no sabían jugar y que no le entendían ah nada, me sentí triste y estafada a la vez
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