
Hi I'm just here to say I have an idea and i would be happy to say that my idea is having Eret die and respawn in their bedroom in the later arcs because Im having too much ideas for your story and I really love it! 


And also Eret explaining whose Herobrine (but you can also change it) 


@ligrivybb  :0 you replied and anyways I got another it's about Eret explaining why they wear sunglasses and that they're from Herobrine's bloodline (dw you can change it for whatever lore you have in mind! It's just an idea) 


@OfficialShipButton Thnk you so much for the support and having Eret die and respawn has always been something I wanna write so I hope it’s as dramatic and cool as you can imagine, and i look forward to hearing more of your ideas . :)