this message may be offensive
Seems that some of you need to know that school isn't everything and having no idea what to do with your life is normal.
If you guys have dreams, follow them. If your parents say no, follow your dreams even further.
Whatever you wanna do, do it. Or else you'll live like a flightless bird, finding your worth in being married and having kids (quoting tøp). None of us want that (unless it's with our bias) but you all need to DO what you want, not what your parents want.
And an addition, if you're ever feeling depressed and you're scared to tell your parents because they won't understand, talk to your friends or teachers. Hell, talk to me. The kind people in your life are there to help you.
No one's gonna judge you and if they do, they're shit. They don't understand what YOU are going through. It's not your fault for feeling this way. You're NOT trying to get attention if you're depressed, and you're NOT making excuses if you aren't able to do anything. Please don't blame yourself, guys. You matter a lot, okay?