
Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate it! Hope everyone has/is having a wonderful day ♡
          	- Kara


Oh my lord I love your book, and thanks so much for voting on mine.
          Do you want an OC reviewed? Either way is fine, but thanks so much for voting on my review book, and you are very talented yourself.


No problem! Take all the time you need with the review. Have a good day/night!


Aw thank YOU so much, I’ll get the review up ASAP. Thanks for liking my book, feel free to suggest chapters and give me some criticism too along the making.
            Keep up your book and know that you’re awesome!


@FleetingJinx  Aww, thank you so much! I absolutely love your book as well! Your advice so far has been great :). And it would be really cool if you'd review an OC of mine, he's fairly new and I've only had him reviewed by one other person so it'd be great to get some advice from someone different :
            Keep up the good work with your book!