
Hey guys. I've decided to start writing again. I will not be continuing the story that I have started. instead, I'm going to be writing what the Experimental Town series was supposes to be. Too many people made the story theirs, and it was no longer mine. This will not happen again. This story will be mine. Hope this doesn't offend everyone, but at this point, I do not care


Hey guys. I've decided to start writing again. I will not be continuing the story that I have started. instead, I'm going to be writing what the Experimental Town series was supposes to be. Too many people made the story theirs, and it was no longer mine. This will not happen again. This story will be mine. Hope this doesn't offend everyone, but at this point, I do not care


I'm not sure I'll be continuing The Experimental Town series. I'm so sorry guys but I just can't do it anymore. Too many people were involved and its got too many hard things. I'm deleting the 3rd one completely and I'm debating whether or not I will leave the other two up. I'm so sorry guys because I feel like I've let you all down. But there's been so much going on lately. I've been going through a lot. I may decide to write another story and I'll let you know if I do, but I'm terribly sorry for not being able to continue on.


Guys, I am so sorry. I done messed up. I accidentally kept writing for chapter 6 >-< I am so sorry. Gahh. I just added it to chapter 6. I am so sorry guys. On the bright side, it's now 11 pages. Ugh please forgive me guys. I'll make it up I promise. Ugh I feel like a horrible person for doing this. I'm so sorry guys.
          Apologetically yours,


Alright guys, sooooo I'm having a surprise POV of one of the characters, buuuut the problem is is that they won't be able to write until I think at least the 19th, but probably later. So sorry for the no updates, school is killing me. But I am doing the best I can! Read on!


Alright, so when I started writing Chapter 3, silly me, I accidentally just started adding on to the last paragraph of chapter 2, so now chapter 2 is 6 pages, you may read :D Sorry it took so long to update. It's been a long couple of weeks, and I've had a bit of a distraction. But Trev once again saved the day and I am back on track. I dunno what I would do without him making me update every now and then XD oh well, hope you like Chapter 2 better now. I shall update soon. Bye for now my readers, happy reading


I updated!! So one of my friend and I had a bet, and I lost. So you get to ask any of the characters in this story anything about themselves, their feelings, their pasts. As long as it doesn't spoil anything in the future, it will be answered. Message me the question and what character it is for. Starts now, ends in a week. Ask on.


So I might not be able to update until I get a response from someone else. Sorry for not updating, but it's really important. I just hope he emails soon. So sorry for the long wait. It's been a long week and I'm going through a lot. But I'm hanging in there. Hopefully an update soon. Read on,


Hey guys, so sorry I'm not updating as much as I have before. I am actually writing out what is supposed to happen, so I do have an outline. Sorry, things have been kinda tough lately. A lot going on with friends, and I'm sorry I'm letting that get in the way of writing. I'm just really tired,you know? But I have not forgotten about my readers and I promise I'll try to write more! I've got a lot planned, and hopefully I'll surprise you more than once. I promise I'll upload later this week. Love you all and thanks for sticking with me. Read on,


Alrighty guys, I took out some things from the first chapter of AtET even though some of you complained about the shortness already. I needed to fix a couple things and also one thing that I felt you should all know. Lia is not a fighter in anyway. Like, now she is because of the Lab, but her personality is not a fighter. She's tough. But that's all. There was a lot of confusion about that. I think that's all. I love you all and thanks for reading my stories :) Read on,