
@_The_Real_Me_  Awesome!!! I can't wait to read it! And don't stress.. I know how much that sucks. Happened to me a bunch of times. And your story is amazing!! I absolutely love it. Keep it up!!!!! XD :) 


@_The_Real_Me_  Sorry I never check my message board. But I absolutely LOVE suicide bridge!!! It's amazing and there's so much detail! I was looking for a story exactly like yours and thank God I found it. It has to be one of my favorites! Sorry I think I just had a bit of a fangirling moment..... :) 


Hi babe, how are you ? if you have time can you please check out my new story and tell me what you think? "Live while we're young" it onyl have a few chapters so far and is a Harry fanfiction. give it a try?maybe you like it ! thanks x