
Check out my new poem! More parts of it to come soon :)


I'm finally glad finals have been over for almost a week now! I'm doing my best to relax and write more, but it's been tough. I'm getting through it though. 
          How has everyone been doing? Any good news my lovely followers would like to share?


Hello there ,
          The poem about you has been published .
          Do check it out .
          Thankyou ❤️


@Missbrittle7 I read it and I love it! It's amazing and you are a great writer/poet 


@Missbrittle7 thank you and I can't wait to read it!!


Today's somewhat of a nice day out. Too bad I'm spending it indoors working on final projects. I'm glad one of them got moved to be turned in on Friday. Yay! More time to relax and take my time on everything. I have a lot to do for four different projects/papers over the next few days :(
          How's your day going? Anything interesting or fun happen today?


I knowwww. Wattpad is weird cause I made sure you and my other followers would get notified, but I guess Wattpad is just acting up a bit. Hopefully it doesn't anymore


@lil_huflepuff Just noticed no one has replied to any of your post .
            If I got the notification I would have .
            But weird why didn't I get the notification 


Good morning my lovelies! Today's somewhat of a nice day for me. I have to be on the grind working on final projects when I wish I could be writing my books. Motivation always comes at the most unexpected times lol.  
          How is your day going so far? Is anyone in finals week like me?