
this message may be offensive
I know I suck cus I haven't updated in forever and I swear it's just excuse after excuse w/ me  but I SWEAR that I'm writing the next part of Kill right now and I love you all. Thanks so much for reading my shit! ❤️❤️❤️


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I know I suck cus I haven't updated in forever and I swear it's just excuse after excuse w/ me  but I SWEAR that I'm writing the next part of Kill right now and I love you all. Thanks so much for reading my shit! ❤️❤️❤️


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Hey guys! I'm so sorry for the suuuuuper slow updating on Kill and I'm not going to use the excuse of me being busy, cus I'm not busy, I'm just lazy as fuckkkkkkk. I'm about to sit my ass down and try write the next chapter so hopefully it'll be up by tonight. ILY XO


Okay so yes, I've deleted Hairdye just bc I didn't like it all that much tbh. And I haven't delETED Unseen, I've just unpublished the parts so that I can sort it all out, write the story and then publish at as a whole complete thing. Okay? Okay. AND DONT WORRY I'm starting to write Stood Up which is my new Michael story so yay  ily guys