


Soooo I'm gonna redo Bitter And Sweet for THE 50th TIME-
          I reread the whole thing and it felt waaayy too rushed, plus I didn't get a grasp on who (Y/N) really was in the story. First she was all cool and suddenly she's a lil bitch baby in the underground, which didn't sit right with me. So, I'ma rewrite it. Just posting this in case anyone who is reading it understands and hopefully I'll get it back out soon


Part 2/2
          Now let's talk about some of the stories I have.  I'm definitely not leaving Shattered Promises. I love the anime to death and I'm very proud of the story progression so far
          Rivalry. I'm definitely not leaving that one. It's still very new and I absolutely love Sk8 the infinity. I have sooo many ideas, it's unbelievable
          Bloody Roses And Black Pearls....despite how cringy it is...I'm not gonna abandon it. I'm still highly into pirates of the caribbean and have lots of ideas for the story. Hopefully it'll get better as it progresses
          The Crack In Her Broken Heart. First off, I love the title-
          Second, I'm not that into Undertale as I used to...but I'll try to keep the book going. Though I'm running out of ideas
          Bitter And Sweet..again, just like The Crack In Her Broken Heart. I'm not that into the game anymore, but with this story, I kinda have a little picture of where I want it to go
          Beauty And The Ink Demon. Mmm, this one's gonna be a treat. I'm gonna unpublish it and rewrite it in a better way. Probably gonna change the title too
          And finally, The Missing Treasure Of The Unicorn. Yeah, I'm...gonna discontinue this one. I lost interest in the book and I'm probably not gonna continue writing it. While writing, my 13 year old self literally didn't know where this was going. I was just fueled up with fangirlness and cringe
          That's basically it. Hopefully I keep this and continue to write my stories and more to come


@Dahlia133 I cant wait for Bloody roses and Black Pearls, I love it


Part 1/2
          Woo, big announcement coming up
          Sooo, as some of you know, I haven't been extremely active for a few months. That's because of school, annoying ass life, and the holidays coming up. Plus I've been dealing with a lot of mental health problems lately and needed to take some time off of everything. But, now I'm hopefully gonna come back and continue most of my books. I also have a looot of drafted books so- that's a thing-
          However, I'm not gonna be posting chapters like...every day. Most of them are probably gonna be long updates, but I'm definitely not dropping them. Eventually, I'll write more frequently, but for now it has to be like this.


Sorry for disturbing you but I saw Alastor 


@Dahlia133 Hello hello! I found you on a Varian fanfic too I believe!


@Telepathic_Heart ah, a fellow Alastor fan. Greetings