
I appreciate you wanting to help me out with paragraphs and grammar and all that, but could you please not do that too often? I’m not in a good mood right now and what you’re doing is starting to annoy me. I would appreciate it if you would be less nitpicky.


@Melissaspyrose I see. Sorry if I bothered


Ciao cara, come stai? Come vedi, anch'io sono su Wattpad. Visita il mio profilo se vuoi leggere qualcosa a tema TF 


@Peacewalker96 be' quanto al motivo, a tutto pensavo meno che a quello. Non l'avevo intuito, pensavo solo al fatto che seguiamo i Transformers
            Eh, quando chi non è medico o paziente sente dire "autistico" fa presto a spaventarsi, ogni autistico è diverso quanto a livello di "funzionamento" mentale in ogni ambito. Guarda caso sono medico, e proprio a causa di questa diversità non per questo ho pensato immediatamente all'autismo, avendoti conosciuta solo dagli scritti online


@ Peacewalker96  Sappi che anch'io seguo MelSpyRose perché sono anch'io autistica. E non quello propriamente detto, sono un'Asperger. Me l'hanno diagnosticato quando avevo 6-7 anni. Pensavo fosse qualcosa di grave, invece anche molti personaggi famosi sono Aspie... Tra cui il mio regista preferito, Tim Burton ☺️


@Peacewalker96 sì ricordo
            peccato che abbiano chiuso Toonitalia


Hello, I want to offer you my praise for your constructive criticisms and for your advice and writing tips. You’ve inspired me to correct my writing and storytelling mistakes. I think every writer should listen to their critics and helpers when they want to write a good story. Hopefully we can work together in making good stories.


@Melissaspyrose well, thank you you are making me blush!
            Dopo not flatter e, I added reviews considering how a character, that wanted to play a part, could invent to build his false identity; and how to fill the chapters to make the picture clear about it : how a character could have the documents, how he spends time waiting for the good moment (suxh as Megatron 's daily life and how he behaves according to his lies about his work, or how muhe he knows about humans daily life)
            The proposals about how Starscream can work, waiting for Megatron'S next step as a human, oe more from G1 show (where Decepticons steal energy sources and Starscream is a capable leader and scientist too) a f how they would mix and fit with their aims in Prime version, as much as little I watched it after season 1


Hi. I just want you to know that I forgive you and I apologize for muting you because I felt annoyed with your reviews on my TFP fanfics and your tough questions about them. I replied to your comment on my DeviantART page to let you know that I'm not mad at you. But still, I'm sorry that I muted you. I didn't stop to think about how it might affect you. I am happy that you like my TFP stories. So can we let all bygones be bygones and put the water under the bridge? I'm giving you a second chance because I cannot stay mad at you.


@Melissaspyrose thank you
            I will be more careful in what I write