Everyone has their own life story and problems. Nobody's life is the same. That seemed to be the truth at a certain school where a group of very "interesting" teens are sent. Everyone with their own story and secrets waiting to be discovered.

@lilianaisarooster River walked past Israel, walking in his naturally weird limp. People of course stared at River who was wearing shorts and a sweatshirt. Sage was somewhat of a tomboy. She was wearing a huge black jacket with a baggy white shirt and ripped jeans with converse. She glanced at Mahalia and rolled her eyes as she slung her worn out backpack over her shoulder and started to walk off. Lilac sighs. "Kid, I'm not going to hurt you ok? I'm past that now." Lilac had a rather intimidating appearance. They wore a stained jean jacket with a gas monkey shirt underneath along with skinny jeans and worn out work boots. Their curly hair was styled into an undercut and the bangs was dyed a dark scarlet red which was a huge contrast since the rest of their hair was a platinum blonde color. Sora nearly jumped out of his skin, slamming back into the wall behind him in shock. He tried to call his rapid breathing, quickly trying to wipe the tears away from hius puffy red eyes. //N-No!!! He's going to make fun of me or beat me!!!// Sora quickly covered his face while shaking like crazy. Zephyr didn't have any big plans and was a pass fail student in most of her classes. She didn't really care about her grades or college anymore which was sad since she was smart. Zephyr just had other things she wanted to do.

@-CallMeSpirit- Israel walked to his locker, weaving through the crowd. Since he was a senior, people naturally moved out of the way. Yet, the other seniors didn't. He unlocked his locker and dug around for his extra comb. Mahalia was your average "emo" girl. She was currently wearing fishnet leggings with knee high boots and leather shorts topped off with a black tank top that said "Bite Me" with a pair of luscious lips next to it. Basically the dress code was nonexistent. She had black lipstick and bold eyebrows, her eyes decorated with smoky eyeshadow. (Okay!) Evra peeked up at Lilac from his arm, eyes bloodshot from crying. He didn't answer, shuffling deeper into the lockers as if he thought Lilac would hurt him. Suddenly, Cheyenne fell forward and his pant leg ripped up to his knee. He landed on Sora's feet with a pained and angry groan. Rily was excited about her junior year since high school was almost over and she had big plans.

@lilianaisarooster River walked into school. This was his first year here and he wasn't looking forward to it. Back in his old school people called him "cyborg" because of his leg. He wasn't looking forward to all the questions he knew he would get. Questions like:"What happened?" "How does it work?" "How long?" And those were just the appropriate questions. Sage sighs and looked around. Her hair was a dark brown, curly mess. She looked like a mess in general. Her clothes wrinkled and her hair a mess and bags under her eyes. She had insomnia so she could never get much sleep. Lilac walked into the locker room and spots the crying freshman. (Btw Lilac is genderfluid so they'll switch between He, she and they pronouns usually) "Geez, dude what happened to you?" They murmmer with a frown. Sora whimpers and and shuts his eyes tightly, trying to fight against his thought. His hands were clenching handfuls of dirt from the ground as he try to kerp grip on reality. Zephyr shut her locker, dusting off her military green jacket before looking around. She has been here for one year and still was always surprised at everyone here.