
saying better spelling i meant to say there instead of they 
          	anyways see ya 


hi guys….
          god it’s been ages since i’ve posted anything on here. 
          with all that has happened in my life i’m glad to say that i have returned 
          there are going to be new updates to some of the books the books that i have written. 
          there will be no change in the story line just the way that it is written hopefully this time they will have better spelling and grammar. 
          i won’t be taking any of the chapters down they will still be up so, if you are reading one of my books, first of all thank you and second you can carry on from where you left


          I uploaded the third chapter of his temptation. 
          I know it has be a long wait but I’m sorry.
          I decided to take some time of and focus on myself for I while since I haven’t been in the best state. 
          But all is well now my dear friends and I’m finally back and better than ever. 
          Hope you enjoy the new chapter