
I know in my Bio I said I hated Sci-fi, but my mom got me to see the movie The Host, because it came out today, and IT'S AMAZING. I suggest it to everyone, no matter what genre you like or dislike. It was so goood! 


Hi, thats basically all I read, i'm not sure why, but I like stories about the afterlife too. I would write one, but I'm not sure of a story line for it... Yeah. My reading lists were crazy before, and I wrote every single book im read, are in the middle of, or will read later, and im still in the process of adding each one to the right lists three days later. Ahaha.


Oh. I didn't realize, but now I see. I've been adding like a million stories tonight, so i really don't know. Lol. I'm big on bragging, so don't worry. If you like romance, I really suggest my story 'Come Closer' Which is completed, and then the sequel, ' I Just Need You Now' which is not- if they seem to suit your fancy:)