
This book literally almost made me fail a test. Not once could I stop reading unless from pure exhaustion so I highly recommend reading this. Of course try not to get so obsessed with it as I did, but it’s totally fine if you do cause it’s worth it. The story line, the characters, the writing, all of it really, was phenomenal and honestly unprecedented! 


This book literally almost made me fail a test. Not once could I stop reading unless from pure exhaustion so I highly recommend reading this. Of course try not to get so obsessed with it as I did, but it’s totally fine if you do cause it’s worth it. The story line, the characters, the writing, all of it really, was phenomenal and honestly unprecedented! 


I know I say it a lot, but I literally could not put this down. I locked myself in my room and read it in a day and a half, it was that good! As much as I wanted it to keep going, the ending was perfect for this book and I wanted to reread it seconds after the last word. I highly recommend this (even though the steamy chapter never got published) and hope you enjoy it as much as I did!


This story is truly beautiful and I invite y’all to read it because it is 100% worth it. The fact that positivity shines through even when tragedies are taking place is inspiring and captivating. I fell in live with this book in the first chapter and I hope you do too! In the end the author talks about “The Curves Ahead” (which is also completed) that she has written and I have read and fallen in love with that book as well so be sure to check it out. 


Although there is a rewritten version of both this and the sequel, I still absolutely love this story! I binge read the entire thing and I already want to read it again it was so good. I have yet to read the rewritten version since the author says it’s slightly different, but I’m sure it’s also amazing if not better. Please be sure to check this story, or the rewritten version out, you will definitely not be disappointed!


PLEASE READ: If anyone is into the magical side of things combined with action and adventure, THIS IS YOUR BOOK! I absolutely LOVED this series and although the third book isn’t quite finished yet, I would still highly recommend reading these. Not only is the plot amazing but the author writes it so perfectly you don’t want to put it down. 


So I have a Reading List that I have no idea how to delete but it's called "watch out for" and it's for stories that aren't completed but so far are awesome. My issue is I'm impatient as all get out so I never read books that aren't completed, so that's where y'all come in! If you have any stories that you absolutely loved that were recently completed, post them below and I will happily check them out and maybe even add them to the reading list!