I deactivate all social medias and it feels so refreshing but at the same time stressful and strange bc I didn't tell anyone I kinda just did it all at once but I didn't delete snapchat so if you wanna reach me there its h.reinert
I do this thing where I "misplace" my phone for like a week or longer and everyone online gets super pissed at me cause I dissapear alot and I tell them I just lost my phone but really I'm having a mental breakdown idek why I'm saying this lmao but basically I'm a huge ass mess
I think I'm done with the 'swearinglester' branding it was fun but I've left my phan account and idk I feel as if I'm drifting from the phandom but I still and always will love dan and phil but yh
I wanna like be serious abt my stories n shit soon like imma have cover themes and I'll post stories all at once and for phanfics have like a weekly schedule or something and idk imma try to do that soon so stay tuned kiddos