Hello, guys. It’s Oliver, wow kinda weird seeing a message from me, yea? I’ve been offline for so long and I’m sorry, I will make an effort to be on more!
Hello, guys. It’s Oliver, wow kinda weird seeing a message from me, yea? I’ve been offline for so long and I’m sorry, I will make an effort to be on more!
I am not having a good day. I relasped, my mom lost her job, my dad who I haven't talked to in a year is in the hospital, my grandma's boyfriend is very sick and is refusing to go to the hospital, I'm on my freaking period, and all this is happening on my mom's birthday.
Hahaha hahaha I hate life :D
Hello, guys. I might just delete everything off my account... I feel awful, the stuff on my account sucks, and there's really no point in doing any of this stuff....
I should do...?
I love you guys, message me if you need anything at all❤
Hi, guys :)
Hello, I will be offline for some time due to personal reasons. I need some time to sort through some stuff and process some things. I won’t be offline for too long but I will be gone for a bit. Stay safe out there guys, eat, and drink plenty of water. I love you all so much.