
Hey guys! I haven't been active in a year or two but I needed to focus more on myself and the real life rather than spending most of my time writing silly little fan fictions on the people I used to watch. I'll still continue writing when I get the chance but the truth is..I'm not very interested in mcyts anymore. Ever since the passing of techno and the dsmp ending it hasn't felt the same as it used to during the summer of 2020. But I'd love to get back into watching them again and I'll update my all about me book soon :)


Hey guys! I haven't been active in a year or two but I needed to focus more on myself and the real life rather than spending most of my time writing silly little fan fictions on the people I used to watch. I'll still continue writing when I get the chance but the truth is..I'm not very interested in mcyts anymore. Ever since the passing of techno and the dsmp ending it hasn't felt the same as it used to during the summer of 2020. But I'd love to get back into watching them again and I'll update my all about me book soon :)


Soooo I've decided I'm going to re-do try hard :) I know it's not a very smart idea but in my opinion it was very poorly written and I know I can write it better now that I've had some more experience with writing :) I'm also taking a journalism class next year for high school hopefully I make it in and I'm so excited to improve my writing *kith kith* <3


If yall didnt know Tommy got covid :,( I hope he has a fast recovery, but on positive notes we now has 111 reads on try hard! Posting updates on my books might get difficult because I start school tomorrow and I stay there untill 2:45 I think but I will try to write as much as possible so feel free to check out my Mcyt oneshots book and my gnf x reader there will be a lot alot of updates there stay safe and remember to atleast have a glass of water and some food even if its not alot of food
          Much love,Lilly/Rose *Kith Kith<3*