
Hey guys I will be off for 3 weeks bc of school thank you 


Hai yeorobun , author mau bilang yang cerita baru itu akan di delete Karna author ngak ada ide mau nulis jadi mungkin kalo ada rezeki author akan buat new story , maybe a request story ???? Kalo ada yang terpilih aku akan add nya di dalam story ????


@crab_joon1209  Good Evening to Ms  Lily_72, I'm Ms Nobility would like to collaborate with you for our upcoming biography series novel! Let me know if you are interested? If you are interested please DM us in our IG @nobilitynovels or @Senpaixmv ❣️ have a good day 


Hey guys so I was wondering that should I make another story or continue the story bc I'm out of ideas now 
          Btw stay stunned for new story ( basically is a yes or no or not sure hehe ) 


@lily_y72 I will wait for the new story ( maybe but I don't know ) I like to read your story it's amazing  