
sorry for leaving y'all. i was planning on posting my liam beckham story and starting up my zarriall one, but then i got hit with so many things with dance and studying and picking courses and babysitting and so much more that i didn't have time to write so after this school year ends i'm planning on maybe redoing my room, starting my art hobby back up again, and back getting into basketball and around my birthday i should start writing again but that isn't until july 4th. sorry for making you guys wait so long, but school is really important to me and my grades need to be absolutely perfect if i want to go to cambridge or oxford and that's not easy since they're out of the country and there's no way i can pay for that out of pocket so i have to start now as a freshman in order to at least give me a chance, but please don't leave me fam because starting in july everything's going to change.


Im not leaving! Imma go vote on all yhur stories brb!


sorry for leaving y'all. i was planning on posting my liam beckham story and starting up my zarriall one, but then i got hit with so many things with dance and studying and picking courses and babysitting and so much more that i didn't have time to write so after this school year ends i'm planning on maybe redoing my room, starting my art hobby back up again, and back getting into basketball and around my birthday i should start writing again but that isn't until july 4th. sorry for making you guys wait so long, but school is really important to me and my grades need to be absolutely perfect if i want to go to cambridge or oxford and that's not easy since they're out of the country and there's no way i can pay for that out of pocket so i have to start now as a freshman in order to at least give me a chance, but please don't leave me fam because starting in july everything's going to change.


Im not leaving! Imma go vote on all yhur stories brb!