
Just posted the first chapter of my book "Bad Blood" go check it out. Also sorry that it is really long but, I want to make longer chapters in that book to maybe get it done faster. Also thanks for the double digital of followers aka 10 not much but better than none!! Thanks guys 


Just posted the first chapter of my book "Bad Blood" go check it out. Also sorry that it is really long but, I want to make longer chapters in that book to maybe get it done faster. Also thanks for the double digital of followers aka 10 not much but better than none!! Thanks guys 


Sorry I haven't been posting for about a month now the reasons being are 1 my grandfather was in the hospital he went home yesterday and he's okay thank god. 2 I'm busy finishing my science fair project. I am going to hopefully get a lot done today. Finally I have some free time. At around 12 I am going to be going to lunch so I'll be off for a while but I will come back on.