this message may be offensive
Dear : Miagillman. Take down the sexual LILPEEP story bc it's very disrespectful to him and disgusting to ever think about him in that manner . I don't know if you're sick in the head or just fuked up but posting a story like this is blatantly disrespectful to him and he did not deserve this let this man rest in peace but take down this disgraceful story ,and it is never okay to post anything like this in your years of writing Wattpad stories . Lil peep did not want to be sexualized and anyway so be a good Christian and take this story down you worthless piece of shit . You can report me or do a whatever you want but I do not give two fucks . But before you ever write anything like this again about any deceased person look back on this time. I know it's a fanfic and maybe a source of income that you have or need but you should never write a story about this again for about anybody that is deceased not living and is not present in the real world cuz I know that you would not like to be sexualized an object defined when yours dead. Good night love. Sincerely Yours Truly heaven