
The Time We Drifted Apart - EXTRA Chapter 3 OUT NOW!
          	<so I was looking in my drafts  and realised I never uploaded chapter why not do it now to commemorate me remembering wattpad exists? ,';)>
          	[I haven't edited since...several months ago (before it went on halt oof) so apologies for grammar/use of language/anything else that may be cringe in it haha (one of the main reasons I stopped this book for now as I didn't really know where it was going and whether my writing was good...)]
          	{it's kinda long so take time to enjoy? idk what I'm saying at this point (or who will read this oop--)}
          	thx as always for reading! 
          	talk soon! (nOsTaLgIa~) ~mel ♡


The Time We Drifted Apart - EXTRA Chapter 3 OUT NOW!
          <so I was looking in my drafts  and realised I never uploaded chapter why not do it now to commemorate me remembering wattpad exists? ,';)>
          [I haven't edited since...several months ago (before it went on halt oof) so apologies for grammar/use of language/anything else that may be cringe in it haha (one of the main reasons I stopped this book for now as I didn't really know where it was going and whether my writing was good...)]
          {it's kinda long so take time to enjoy? idk what I'm saying at this point (or who will read this oop--)}
          thx as always for reading! 
          talk soon! (nOsTaLgIa~) ~mel ♡


helloooo how have you been? 


@-dreamcatcher4ever- ahhh yes you’re backkk about that writing oop…I got a lot of inspo and new ideas but was buried in hw ;-; why they give us hw in hols idk and I wish they didn’t •_•


@lilperfectionist_mel lmaooo i do that sometimes too dw about it :)) I’m pretty good, and yesss more writing!!! love to see it <33


@-dreamcatcher4ever- good~! completely forgot that wattpad existed until now ahh sorry >_< how are you? (holidays are soon for me so lots of free time = more time to write :D)


thanks for the credit in your bio, it’s even more than i asked for and i really appreciate it. :))


@-dreamcatcher4ever- np and I really mean it!! you’re the sweetest and you make absolutely gorgeous icons and write amazing pieces of work!! :) <3


major announcement on The time we drifted apart!:
          After much consideration, I have decided I will no longer be publishing anymore new chapters onto The time we drifted apart until I have completely written and edited the book.
          recently I've just been feeling like there are major parts in the already-published chapters that need to be changed. 
          It's kind of hard to do this though, as people have already read the published chapters and major changes will probably be super confusing, especially if I'm constantly going back on previous chapters and changing too major things. (did that make any sense? XD)
          From now on, I think it's best if I finish the entire book and then share it with the world, knowing that I won't change anything major and confuse anyone :)
          And with that being said, you, as a reader, will still be able to view the 3 chapters I have published, as I won't be changing anything there...yet ;)
          (p.s. I want to be able to refer to it in the new 'version' of this book...and also I can't bring myself to delete my own work XP)
          It'll probably be a while until I finish this book so...I guess the 3 chapters I have published can be a small (very bad) taster of my writing style XD (aka wayyy too long and too much description oop)
          And just another small thing to add, the name of this book is probably going to be changing. (you'll see the new title once I've finished writing...cause I don't even know it myself yet! XD)
          thank you again for reading my first legit book and I'm super sorry about how sudden this is! I really hope you understand and I really have thought about this decision! (it's kinda a big deal for me! :P)
          talk soon and take care everyone!! ~ mel xx :)


[sorry this announcement is so long! ;-;...classic me :P]


I don't usually post my political opinion online, but I just want to wish people in america to please be safe! 
          stay home and pls don't encourage protesting or protest yourself; it is dangerous and in my opinion, not the right way to ever make change! violence is and always will be never the answer! 
          and for trump supporters, pls face the hard reality that the truth hurts. what you really should be doing now is moving on; trump's had his time and now it's biden's.
          now just a general reminder for everyone anywhere, you are loved and please also stay safe! make wise decisions today and if you're procrastinating, get out there and go do what you have to do! you can do this and even if you don't, there is always tomorrow! remember, we are all humans; we fail and make mistakes daily so don't be so hard on yourself! 
          thx and talk soon! ~ xx mel :)


            yeah it's a mess over there. I posted something on my insta about it as well


Yess thank you! You are being more responsible and respectful, than all those people who went out to those riots today.


@lilperfectionist_mel I'd like to echo that statement. I don't have any American followers so I didn't post anything myself but I would like to send hugs to anyone who is scared or stressed and implore the Trump supporters who felt the need to go to such extreme lengths to make their voices heard to consider other ways of expressing their opinions.


i might not be able to get on wattpad again so...
          HAPPY NEW YEAR IN ADVANCE!! *celebration emojis!!*
          and even if it is folks, please be kind to yourselves! look after your physical, mental, spiritual and psychological health and allow yourself to make mistakes!! you're only human :) as a believer, God's got it all in control so don't put all that pressure on your poor shoulders!!
          see ya all next year and as aLwAyS, thanks so much for reading :) ~xx mel :3


dang it; forgot to announce it to followers again!! I'll make that a goal for 2021!