@HoneyBR yeah i might as well watch it soon lol, and Dubai sounds like a really dope place even though its hot over there i would get a fresh tan ;) only if England was that hot ey :)
@HoneyBR yeah i might as well watch it soon lol, and Dubai sounds like a really dope place even though its hot over there i would get a fresh tan ;) only if England was that hot ey :)
@HoneyBR Yeah tbh the weathers actually great here now. Ive got a good feeling for summer, yeah and the sun is hot enough to tan most people. My ultimate destination is Dudai. Looks so peng over there. And its baree hot in Dubai. Aint seen fast 5. Was meant to watch it long time ago when it came out, but forgot to! :D
@HoneyBR Brazil was hot. Only rained there. Never got too cold. Great place to go if you wanna stay away from the borimng english cold :D you should go there sometime