
Can you answer this?
          	There are 10 people in a roomvYou go in and kill 8 of them. How many are actually remain in the room? 


So, I was just about to look up some ✨juicy✨ fanfics because I was bored. Then all of a sudden, Google wants to tell me some gREAT news that's trending rn. (It has like a list of things that are trending) Guess what I? "MC'DONALDS NEW BTS MENU" and it's coming next month on the 26th I believe. Ummm....... sign me tf uP-  I kinda have a tendency to jump on trend wagons a little late so I have NO idea if you already heard about it. bUT IM HERE NOW! Tell me if you heard about it and if you're gonna see what's going on in Mc'Donalds headquarters.  (If you want to ofc)