
So! Here is what has been going on for the past couple of days! I re-read my book and I hated the entire way that I broke up the story. So I have changed the way the chapters are laid out. I've changed some information about our beloved characters. The book so far only has 6 chapters. This is not an error just changed the way that the book is broken up so that you have more to read at all times. I should be updating within the next day or 2 depending on how my writing goes. Anyways! I love you, you're cute, hydrate! Byeeeeee


So! Here is what has been going on for the past couple of days! I re-read my book and I hated the entire way that I broke up the story. So I have changed the way the chapters are laid out. I've changed some information about our beloved characters. The book so far only has 6 chapters. This is not an error just changed the way that the book is broken up so that you have more to read at all times. I should be updating within the next day or 2 depending on how my writing goes. Anyways! I love you, you're cute, hydrate! Byeeeeee