
Hi all! So, just wanted to ask for some opinions. My grandmother has stage 3 cancer. My family & I are trying our best to pay for her chemo, but we’re failing. I’m also in a place where I need additional income to escape some things I’m dealing with at home. 
          	I have Hospital of Hell published on Amazon fully edited, however I’m not getting many sales currently. I have the option in enrolling it into Kindle Unlimited which doubles the income I receive from the book. The only downfall is, I can’t have it published anywhere else, Wattpad included. 
          	I know most of you are here from Their Rose Petal, which I am revamping and publishing as well, but do I have anyone who would be distraught if I were to move HOH from Wattpad??
          	I’m struggling y’all, and I’m trying to cut as many corners as possible before I go mad. Thank you for reading 


@Memento42Mori Thank you so much ‼️


@lilsturg I'm sad to hear about your grandmother.
          	  And for the book, you have to do what's best for you. It's your work, so if people want to be petty about it, let them be. 
          	  Good luck with everything! ❤


Ok I have a question was it you the one who made hospital of hell 


I took it down so I could enroll it in the KDP program for Amazon, but I might post it back on here bc it’s not getting as much traction as I’d hoped. 


Hey everyone! I’d be so excited if you could check out my story and drop a vote if you enjoy it! I’m totally up for V4V (vote-for-vote) and love supporting fellow small authors. Let’s grow together! Just a quick note—if you don’t vote on all my chapters within 24 hours, I’ll take my votes back, but no hard feelings! Thanks so much for the support!


I’ve got you. 


Hi all! So, just wanted to ask for some opinions. My grandmother has stage 3 cancer. My family & I are trying our best to pay for her chemo, but we’re failing. I’m also in a place where I need additional income to escape some things I’m dealing with at home. 
          I have Hospital of Hell published on Amazon fully edited, however I’m not getting many sales currently. I have the option in enrolling it into Kindle Unlimited which doubles the income I receive from the book. The only downfall is, I can’t have it published anywhere else, Wattpad included. 
          I know most of you are here from Their Rose Petal, which I am revamping and publishing as well, but do I have anyone who would be distraught if I were to move HOH from Wattpad??
          I’m struggling y’all, and I’m trying to cut as many corners as possible before I go mad. Thank you for reading 


@Memento42Mori Thank you so much ‼️


@lilsturg I'm sad to hear about your grandmother.
            And for the book, you have to do what's best for you. It's your work, so if people want to be petty about it, let them be. 
            Good luck with everything! ❤


Wattpad deleted A Man’s World. Looks like it’s about time for me to take my books & writing elsewhere. 


@sassynoor it’s definitely frustrating!!!! Thank you for your support 


& Wattpad deleted the entire book, didn’t I publish it or anything. Just deleted it. Which is crazy to me because After was turned into an entire film and it was based on a bet to steal someone’s virginity & provide proof of it lol. 


@sassynoor I’m assuming from chapter 2 or 3 where her and Trenton had their ‘farewell’ but still, I tried to make it as consensual as possible with keeping the theme I wanted. 