Hi all! So, just wanted to ask for some opinions. My grandmother has stage 3 cancer. My family & I are trying our best to pay for her chemo, but we’re failing. I’m also in a place where I need additional income to escape some things I’m dealing with at home.
I have Hospital of Hell published on Amazon fully edited, however I’m not getting many sales currently. I have the option in enrolling it into Kindle Unlimited which doubles the income I receive from the book. The only downfall is, I can’t have it published anywhere else, Wattpad included.
I know most of you are here from Their Rose Petal, which I am revamping and publishing as well, but do I have anyone who would be distraught if I were to move HOH from Wattpad??
I’m struggling y’all, and I’m trying to cut as many corners as possible before I go mad. Thank you for reading