
          	I don't usually post messages, but I'd like to tell you guys that I have released a chapter on a potential book I've created.  I'd appreciate it soooooo much if you read the first chapter and tell me what you think. 
          	I've never written a book, so I'd love feedback of any kind. So please, if you have time, check it out.
          	Thanks guys,


          I don't usually post messages, but I'd like to tell you guys that I have released a chapter on a potential book I've created.  I'd appreciate it soooooo much if you read the first chapter and tell me what you think. 
          I've never written a book, so I'd love feedback of any kind. So please, if you have time, check it out.
          Thanks guys,


I have had a battle within myself all these years. I've always thought I was worthless and good for nothing. I have also struggled with family problems and acceptance. I've never harmed myself or anything, but I drowned in my own thoughts, which could be just as bad. One day there was a switch that flickered on. I didn't expect it to come on either, but when it did, things started to change. I began to love myself and I was firm in what I stood for. I can honestly say that I smile and geniuely laugh multiple times everyday. This is a brief summary of me.  
          I'd also like to say this to anyone who always felt like they are alone, who always feel self conscious, or just flat out needs some sunshine in their day. You are beautiful--embrace it. You're awesome because no one could be a better you. People are jerks and they will talk about you, but let them talk their trash. One day, I know you will rise up and be confident in who you are. You will show them that you are much stronger than what they preceive you to be. Don't let anyone in this world discourage you. Stay Strong. You are not in this battle by yourself. ♥


@CutiewingzXoXo Awww, I'm so happy I made your day! ♥ I like telling people about my story/background because I know it inspires people, and it makes them aware that their not the only one struggling. The world is a nasty place, but it's up to one to find the good :) Anyways. . . Keep doing what ya do, haters gonna hate because you're doing what they can't ;)


@ii_lovaticforever_ii   Like Demi, Stay Strong ❤ You made my day! You are the most wonderful person ever! People can be monsters but  ignore them :D Thank for being awesome and greatest person ever! You are not like some other jerks, You are special and better than them! (You're also a lovatic, that's a +) Stay Strong 