IDK why the begging of my book has lots of 'reads'.
But why did the 'reads' go down as I write new chapters of my story??? :(
Is my story bad..?? Is it not interesting anymore??
I would like to go far with this and maybe make my dream as a writer come true, because of 'Wattpad'. So please My followers, and people I follow. Tell what I can do.... I LOVE having good advice from people.. Idk Y tho?? LOL. So please and tell ur followers and people you follow to help me out, and if (Im 95% sure I will) take ur advice I'll dedicate the next chapter to you, because of ur help. Thankxz!! And PLEASE help me.
Don't forget to follow me too... I'll follow back and I'll prob read your story(s). -Imagine_Dreams <3 XD