
          	My name is Kimber and you know what...? I'm struggling.
          	My heart is hurting and I just want to cry and cry and cry.
          	I'm always there for everyone... but I won't let anyone help me.
          	And that's my biggest smile...
          	Some bandages and a fake ass smile always hides everything... 
          	I'm sorry guys...
          	I might delete everything...


Hey, I sneezed and randomly clicked on your profile and decided to leave you a message to hopefully make or keep you February going better than mine is. Since I sneezed and clicked on your account, I know nothing about you, but I can assume that you are an amazing, outstanding, beautiful, smart, and crazily intelligent person. I hope this made you smile or at least be a little less sad, (not that I'm tryna fix some depression or something cause I wanna fix mine before I can even begin helping another) but, yea. Hope you had a great year so far and I hope you have very many more, if that makes sense... Bye friend


          My name is Kimber and you know what...? I'm struggling.
          My heart is hurting and I just want to cry and cry and cry.
          I'm always there for everyone... but I won't let anyone help me.
          And that's my biggest smile...
          Some bandages and a fake ass smile always hides everything... 
          I'm sorry guys...
          I might delete everything...


Umm... I need help. I think I'm bipolar and i want to tell my parents but I'm afraid that they will say it's just a thing. Any ideas?


I don't know if I can be of help but, if you honestly believe that you are tell your parents about it and that you want to see if a diagnosis can be made.


I created this account to get my stories out there, but now... I just want to help people. I just want to make people smile and laugh. Make them feel better. My heart jumps into my throat when I think about one of the people who follow me is gone. I know not all of you have depression or any other mental illness, but I want you to know either way that I'm here. And I love you all. Stay strong.