
Soooo I had THOUGHT about going back to public school, but if I do I will probably still be in 9th grade and I'm not doing that, nope not happening.


Hello Lily my old friend, I’ve come to talk to you again.
          I never see you (on wattpad) anymore, come out the door.
          It’s like you’ve gone awayyyy


Kyle: Dude, she's getting fat!
          Alex: You know that's not a very nice thing to say about someone, especially a lady?
          Cal: Would you two shut up and explain. You've been here 5 minutes and I still don't understand what your talking about


@Lunaisagamer I would so add something like this but I'm not


So, I just realized how truly lazy I've been and how much I've been procrastinating. The only thing I've really done is take down most all my stories and starred REWRITING my rewrite... I've haven't even got past a paragraph yet.... But I left my laptop at my mom's house so maybe hopefully they can update it, cause now my Sims won't work.... And maybe if it gets updated I can get a few more games... And maybe Netflix.... Yep I'm talking about more procrastination.... Did you think I eas ever really going to be productive? Hehehe NOPE!!!


@NovaPhoenix01 Nope, I'll never be productive


Oof I really thought you were gonna have a change of heart right there in the beginning... NOPe. 
            Lol plot twist of the decade


Do you think I could last 94 days? I did survive 31, that IS almost half... Just 16 days short Just 3 weeks and 1 day... (Weeks are counted in 5's because we don't go 7 days a week, thank GOD)


@NovaPhoenix01 I’m sorry lol what does this mean??


Lily is you are being attacked by monsters and you just found out that you are a halfblood.... WHy DiD YoU NoT InViTE Me?!?!