Creator I really want to say that I have been waiting patiently for your update and I can doing for it too long and I really love your work like everything about your work just make me want more. I know it’s not the best time to ask this but I really really wanted an update you can take your time to update it. I just wanted you to know so that you can see this. Please reply to me back I really want to know again I love your work keep up the good work and don’t stop please I really love everything about your work. I never thought to say this, but I love to read so much to the point and I will read anything and especially yours even if it hasn’t been updated for a month, I will read it again and again and again over and over again and guess what I’m not even bored of it. I love your work so much. some of the writing are mistake because I’m too lazy to write them so I just use the voice record to just say it ;) maybe some doesn’t even make sense and just wanna know for my own want to say to you that I left your work please don’t give up. I love it so much I wanted you to feel happy so that you wanted to look Ma thank you so much bye-bye now good night. I’ll good afternoon a good morning basically. Good day. Thank you again.<3