
Hi, everyone, long time no see. Wow, time has really flown hasn't it. I finished university, moved to a new place, started looking for a job, and time still hasn't seemed to slow down even after we all got the chance to start living normally again.
          	But have some news, so I guess I should just get to it.
          	I won't be updating my stories anymore. I know I made promises, and I truly intended to keep them, but after losing two laptops to hardware malfunctions, I lost all the notes and all drive to continue. If you want to continue them on your own accounts by all means.
          	Translate them, finish them, have a blast. There's still life in them somewhere and I'm sure one of you, if you'd like, will be able to find it.
          	I'm going to leave this account active, just so that the stories aren't deleted, but I won't be on here often, so if I don't get back to you it's probably because I've left this chapter of my life behind to start a new one.
          	I want to thank everyone who's followed my fanfics up to this point. You've all been amazing and I wish you all the best for whatever you're going to be facing. Just remember that there's always a rainbow after the storm and no matter what hardships you face, there will be a silver lining.
          	Have a good day :)


@lilymagix hope you continue doing well!! tbh i've only recently come back as well hahahha. thanks for keeping your account active! your stories kept me afloat 


@lilymagix I'm so glad to hear you're doing well! I'll be honest, I only just recently got back on here for very much the same reason. We all had a good run!


Hi, everyone, long time no see. Wow, time has really flown hasn't it. I finished university, moved to a new place, started looking for a job, and time still hasn't seemed to slow down even after we all got the chance to start living normally again.
          But have some news, so I guess I should just get to it.
          I won't be updating my stories anymore. I know I made promises, and I truly intended to keep them, but after losing two laptops to hardware malfunctions, I lost all the notes and all drive to continue. If you want to continue them on your own accounts by all means.
          Translate them, finish them, have a blast. There's still life in them somewhere and I'm sure one of you, if you'd like, will be able to find it.
          I'm going to leave this account active, just so that the stories aren't deleted, but I won't be on here often, so if I don't get back to you it's probably because I've left this chapter of my life behind to start a new one.
          I want to thank everyone who's followed my fanfics up to this point. You've all been amazing and I wish you all the best for whatever you're going to be facing. Just remember that there's always a rainbow after the storm and no matter what hardships you face, there will be a silver lining.
          Have a good day :)


@lilymagix hope you continue doing well!! tbh i've only recently come back as well hahahha. thanks for keeping your account active! your stories kept me afloat 


@lilymagix I'm so glad to hear you're doing well! I'll be honest, I only just recently got back on here for very much the same reason. We all had a good run!


@lilymagix Hi! I have read your book Stray a thousand times over and I want you to know that it’s one of my favorite stories ever!! I know that a lot of people have already said that, but it’s so good you deserve to hear it again!! Have a blessed day and keep up the awesome work!!


EXACTLY what @FallingStars2 said